Allah Help Those Who Help Themselves
Let's visit the most prolific institution in the country
Take A TourNothing Is Impossible With Allah
Let's visit the most prolific institution in the country
Take A TourIslam is an Abrahamic Monotheistic Religion
Let's visit the most prolific institution in the country
Take A TourListen to Quran Audio

The is not just a mosque for prayers rather it is a community center for all. The Center is committed to preserving an Islamic identity.
Muslim community, promoting a comprehensive Islamic way of life based on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Learn MoreGo to Allah Before its to Late
16th Shaaban, 1446 - Sat, 15th Feb, 2025 - Berlin, Germany
- Fajr: 06:28
- Zuhr: 13:20
- Asr: 15:48
- Magrib: 18:20
- Isha: 20:08
- Jumah:2:00 PM

Offered Services
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Help Poor’s
We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amProvide rehab...
Build Mosque
We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amProvide rehab...
Funeral Service
We think before we deliver. We bespoke as standard. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amProvide rehab...
Whats Happening Now
Ethical & Moral Beliefs That Guides
Popular Sermon
Ethical & Moral Beliefs That Guides
Quran – Islamic Book
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detr in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.
ISLAMIC HADITH LESSONSFree Registration: During Month of Ramadan, Our institution will give free registration to all the courses. Hurry Up and Join the Islamic Center.
Classes Resumption: Classes will be starting from next week from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (CST).
SOPs: During this pandemic please follow the SOPs, wear masks, sanitize and keep distant yourself from gatherings.
Enrollment Is Ongoing
For 9 to 12 Years Childerns
$149/ Y- Taleemul Quran
- Names of Allah
- Excerpts from the syllabus
- Islamic History
- How to Perform Namaz
For Age Group 13 yrs - 16 yrs
$169/ Y- Quran Reading with Tajweed
- Islamic Books
- Islamic Manners
- Islamic History
- Online Quran
Age Group 17 + yrs
$189/ Y- Taleemul Quran
- Names of Allah
- Excerpts from the syllabus
- Islamic History
- How to Perform Namaz
Maktab Urgent Donations
Adipiscing elit duis volutpat ligula nulla dapibus.
Community Members
Inspirational Sermons
Islamic Years Together
To Donate month-to-month,
please use the monthly donation form
Provide rehab facility dolor sit am dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna for campaigns.
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